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If you do not want to use an X session manager such as XDM, you can start an X session yourself by using a TELNET window to start your clients, then switching from the TELNET window into the X server.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Connecting to a Host via TELNET

To open a connection to a UNIX system using TELNET, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold [F12] to access the configuration screens.

    1. Press and hold [F12] to re-access the configuration screens.

    2. Click on [Utilities].

    3. Click on [Telnet Session].

    4. Enter the TELNET host's name or IP address.

    5. Click on [Execute TELNET].

    6. If you want to use 8-bit characters with TELNET, click on the [Character Set] button until the 8-bit character set of your choice (ISO Latin-1 or HP Roman-8) appears.

    7. Click on the [Execute TELNET] button.
    A TELNET window appears.

  2. Log in normally. If prompted for a terminal type, enter vt100. So that clients can output to your screen, enter one of the following UNIX commands: In both cases, replace with the IP address of your X station.

  3. To start your clients, typically you would copy the startup script basepath/examples/x11start.700x to your home directory so you can edit this script to control the clients it starts.

    If you have copied the startup script, type:
    otherwise, type:

  4. To enter X server mode and display your clients, click on [To X Server].
    Note: Clients won't be able to start until you enter X server mode and they may time out if you wait too long.

If You Want an Automatic TELNET Window

If you wish, you can configure your X station to open a TELNET window automatically on the host system of your choice:

  1. Press and hold [F12] to access the configuration screens.

  2. Click on [Server].

  3. Click on the button beside [Login] field and drag to [TELNET Session].

  4. Click in the [Login Host] field and enter the IP address (or hostname) of the host you want to TELNET to. If your TELNET system is on a different subnet, make sure your Gateway field and Subnet Mask field are properly set.

  5. Click on [OK].

  6. You are prompted to reset your X station. After you do, the X station automatically opens a TELNET window on the desired host.

Logging Out from TELNET

To log out from TELNET, close all X connections by pressing the following:

This returns you to the TELNET screen where you can type: exit or use the [Disconnect] button.

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