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About This Manual


Software License

Rights and restrictions on the use, transfer, and copying of the software are set forth in the Hewlett-Packard Company's Software License Terms Agreement applicable to the License.

Restricted Rights Legend

Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer software clause in DFARS 252.227-7013.

Rights for non-DOD U.S. Government Departments and Agencies are as set forth in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1,2).

Who This Manual Is For

This manual is intended for technical users and system administrators responsible for:

Conventions Used in This Manual

This manual uses the following typographical conventions:

If you see...
It represents...
computer text
Text displayed on an X station screen or the name of a file or a program.
italic text
For example, path1 could be a path such as /usr/lib/X11.
For HP-UX 9.x, IBM, Sun/Solaris, and SCO systems, the variable basepath translates to /usr/lib/X11/700X.

For HP-UX 10.x systems, basepath translates to /opt/hpxt/enware/xthome.

Represents a key or on-screen button you select. For example, [CTRL], depending on the context, refers to the keyboard key or on-screen button labeled CTRL.
This is the key to press and hold down to access the X station's configuration screens. Note that on 46021A HP-HIL keyboards, the notation [F12] refers to the fourth unlabeled key above the numeric keypad. On the LK201-layout keyboard, the notation [F12] refers to the key labeled [F3].

Assumptions about Your System Setup

The instructions in this manual assume that your system has a link between directories such as /usr/lib/X11/700X and the actual installation directory:

This link should be created automatically when you install the ENWARE software. If not, you or your system administrator may need to add this link manually, or use the appropriate path (listed above) instead of the usual basepath. For details, refer to the explanation for the error message File not found in Messages.

Software Installation Information

The software installation booklet shipped with the software media contains instructions for installing the software on your HP, IBM, Sun, or SCO host.

Printing Copies of the Technical Reference Book

If you require additional copies of this book, you can print off extra copies yourself. You can print a copy of the book from the ENWARE CD-ROM as follows:
lp -oraw /cdrom/filename

where filename is one of the following:

If you are printing the ENWARE 6.0 Technical Reference (which applies to HP 700/RX stations), filename is one of the following:

During ENWARE installation, these files are compressed and written to the basepath/doc directory. The file names are:

After ENWARE is installed, you can decompress and print any of these files as follows:
zcat filename | lp -oraw

Online Information

If you are running HP VUE, you can access this manual online through the HP VUE Help Browser. Just click on the library icon on the HP VUE front panel:

Scroll through the list of online manuals available, and select HP ENWARE X Station Software 7.0 Technical Reference.

If you have HP VUE installed, but would rather invoke the online manual from the command line, type: helpview -h tecref

If you are using CDE, you can invoke the online manual from the front panel or by typing either of the following commands:

Hardware Assembly Information

The hardware assembly booklet shipped with every HP X station explains how to install memory and how to assemble the X station's basic components. Additional assembly instructions are shipped with any accessory option you purchase.

Man Pages

In addition, all users can access help screens and man pages for the X station software. Frequently used man pages include:
Man Page
Local hpterm client
Local xterm client
Local xlock client
Local xclock client
Local xflash client
Local client to format floppy disks
Local twm window manager (unsupported)
Local mwm window manager
ENWARE VUE/RX resource file
CDE Lite local client
Local WhiteBoard graphics application
Local SharedX application

On Sun systems, the following man pages are also available:

Local OpenLook window manager
Local OpenLook clock
Local cmdtool
Local shelltool

If you ordered the HP ENWARE CDE Software optional product, the following man pages are also available:

Local OpenLook window manager
Local OpenLook clock

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